Collier County Prepares for Sea Turtle Season: Naples Beachfront Residents Turn Your Lights Off

Collier County prepares for sea turtle season

Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle

May 1st marks the beginning of the 2009 Sea Turtle Season and in preparation the Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department has been tilling the Collier County beaches so sea turtles have an easier time creating nests. To help the recovery of this endangered species, program staff will monitor the sea turtles throughout the season
and protect their nests.

The public is reminded to turn beach side lights off by 9 p.m. from May thru October. “Lights disorient sea turtles which prevent them from finding the Gulf of Mexico”.

To report a sea turtle stranding or other issues please call (239)890-6486. Visit or for more information about sea turtles.

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